Tuesday, October 14, 2008

You don't need the Geek Squad, v0.01

I know everyone & their moms are getting Macbooks, but for those PC folks still out there, here are two super-annoying problems my friends & family call me with all the time and their respective fixes. The first one's fairly common; the second one once almost brought me to tears. Enjoy. This is Geek One. Over & out.

I don't know how people accidentally delete it (but it always seems to happen), so here's how to restore the Show Desktop icon on your taskbar.

This one's a doozie. It's the problem that drives even us techno-elitists bananas sometimes. It's when your optical drive (CD-ROM/DVD-ROM/etc.) vanishes. It still physically works, but Windows doesn't see it, and it isn't present in the My Computer box. Here's how to restore it.

I know. Shortest. Post. Ever. But for those who've ever run into either of these 2 problems, I hope this is a godsend.

Friday, October 3, 2008

So you're PMS'ing pretty bad, huh?

The Office rocks my socks. Call me obtuse, but I had no idea that there was a spoof Dunder Mifflin site! The production value of the site is amazing, just as good if not better than this site's namesake, the Satan's Alley spoof website.

If you're a fan, you owe it to yourself to check out NBC's Office homepage, there's a lot of great stuff on there, especially the classic Fake PSAs.