Monday, September 1, 2008

Opening credits.

I can't say exactly why I've started this blog. I have a pretty badass LiveJournal. Puzzler.

Maybe I'm giving in to the whole "blog" phenomenon. Maybe I've outgrown the comfy nest that LiveJournal has been as my outlet for shit that I dare not say aloud.

Nah, that's not it. I wonder what it is.

I will admit, however, that I'm unsure if this will become a regular thing, me blogging. I hate the term. Web + log = "Blog"? Are you serious? So many fabulous words & terms are simply genius mash-ups of other cool words, like "hi-fi" (high fidelity), "fosheezy" (for + sure + easy), & "mufucka" (mother + fucker). The best we could come up with for Internet-based journaling by random people is a "blog"? Even "podcast" (iPod + broadcast) is less repulsive than that.

Frankly, I was so damn entertained by the Satan's Alley trailer that plays before the movie Tropic Thunder that I just wanted to snag the name for my blogger address before it gets taken.

I know, what a ridiculous reason.

Insane in the membrane. - Cypress Hill

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