Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is it just me?

I was listening to Power106 (a popular local Los Angeles radio station) and it's "I Hate It When Wednesdays". Listeners call in with stuff they "hate". I don't know if it's because these people are on the radio or what, but their "hates", at least to me, sound like more a ploy for attention or "just to get a laugh" than actual experiences.

"Dude, I hate it when you're, you know, just having fun and stuff, you know, & you forget your phone at home, and your lady goes snooping through your messages, and you, you know, get caught up, you know?"

That's one of my personal "hates", when people say "you know" about an average of 4 times per sentence. That and the proliferation of the word "like", coming in as runner-up at about 3.3 times per sentence.

Here are some real things that I'm pretty sure bug people besides me. Have any more? Sound off! This is just the beginning.

People who incessantly keep pushing the 'walk' button at the crosswalk as if it'll change the light faster. It's not a doorbell dumbass.

Just the same, there are those people who feel the urge to continuously push the elevator button, as if there's some secret morse code that tells the magic elves who are operating the elevator pulley that you're in more of a rush than people on the other floors who pushed the button (just once!) before you. (It usually goes like this: push the button, look at watch, sigh, cuss, then push the button 3 more times really fast, repeat as necessary. Idiotas.)

You're at a stoplight, and it's one of those that start as protected green arrows that then turn into green lights, & instead of yielding like you do at a regular green light, the people in front of you STOP. It's not like the fucking light turned red.

Have you ever been in a single person restroom, and someone repeatedly keeps trying to open the locked door because they have to go "real bad"? Seriously, what good can come of that? It's going to cause a number of things: your ass will tighten, interrupting your #2 or it'll cause your pee stream to squelch, slowing down the process and being counter-productive for both parties. That or the door will open by accident and you're both in a super-awkward situation.

Guys who piss in the urinal immediately adjacent to the one I'm using (that is a crime against humanity and should be against the law.)

People who still write checks.

eople holding a single item in a supermarket line hoping you'll be courteous. (There's an express line motherfucker!)

Picketers. (Most of us are honking because you're holding up traffic, not out of support, so don't get excited.)

People who can't stop talking about
TiVo like it's the second coming of Christ.

Cheapskates who when buying something complain about how "In my country, this computer/cell phone/box of condoms would only cost $2.95".

People that bitch that Daylight Savings Time "threw them off". (It's an HOUR. It's not that planets misaligned or you fell in a black hole you tardy-ass.)

That's it for now, because it's time for work, you know.

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